Thursday, September 15, 2011

OneNote ?

So I've been using this microsoft app. called OneNote lately in class. At first I didn't even know how to use it, but I come to find out that it's pretty easy. It's basically like having your notebook you use for school, on the computer. You can make different tabs at the top of the page that you can lable whatever you want. I labled each of mine a different class so I didn't get them mixed up or anything. In each section of the tabs, you can have as many pages as you need. You can make templates, kind of like if you need to take notes for a cetain class, it's all set up for you.  Everything is saves automatically so there is way less stress than using microsoft word or keeping track of your unorganized notebook. I recomend people use this tool for keeping track of things. I will most likly use this all the time now bacause I;m getting pretty good at it. My teacher lets us use it all the time. So now, I'm just waiting for this dumb school to get better technology so we can finally catch up with the rest of the world !

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