Thursday, December 8, 2011

Flat Classroom Project Reflection

Student Summit

I just got done with my flatclassroom project a few days ago, and I can honestly say that it was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. My teacher asked us to blog about some lessons that we learned during this project, and I can honestly say that there is more than one. One thing that I learned during this project was to have patients with others. The time you had to wait for people in your group to respond to what you write to them is a little frustraiting. Another lesson I learned was understanding others online. It was dificult with understanding some things during the communication with people in my group, but eventually everything got straightened out. Some things that people posted didn't make much sence to me because of the way they would write it. I also learned to take things into my own hands when I want something to get done. There would be times that people in my group would take a long time to respond or just didn't do somethings they were assigned to do, so I was forced to do them myself for my own benefits.
This project was not something I hated doing, but I ended up enjoying some things about it. I reallt liked that we got to see other people's videos when they were done with it. I also liked that the students had to outsource a video for other people so they could use it in their project video. I liked that because it was creative and showed that you had to work with others, not just make a video of everything exactly how you wanted it.
There were some challenges to this project, and as I said before, the communication and time were the biggest dificulties to me. It was just really fristraiting because you had to wait on others, and there was no way to get ahold of them, besides on the wiki page. Some schools were on a break when we weren't, some kids just didn't care, and others got on at a different time that you did so it just made things a whole lot worse.
I think the project could use a few changes, like the interacting with one another. I think the project would have been a bit more enjoyable if the students actually had to talk to eachother/see them (skype or video chat) so they could learn a little bit more about eachother to make it easier to work together. I feel like other kids would have got more involved if they were also learning about different schools and people and being able to see them to make their communication easier.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Keynote Response

1. I think this Keynote is called Big Little Classroom because it incolves numerious amount of people from all over the world but are being brought/communicating with one class room. Big = the number of people and ideas being shared. Little= just one classroom.
2. Hawksdale used skype, elluminate, and other video chats their classroom had to offer.
3. The teacher at Hawksdale used techniques like having the kids come together and discuss what was going on within their own groups. I think over all the type of ways she let the students communicate was good.
4. I think she means the only way people can really learn about one another is talking and seeing that person. It's easier to learn something about someone or get what they are trying to tell you, by hearing what they have to say, not just reading it.
5. I'd say it's pretty good to know how/what that person is like so you can get a feel of what they mean when they say things. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

The World is Flat

I watched a video in class called "The World is Flat" by Thomas L Friedman, who talked about how the technoloogy world is flat. He stated that, "the global economic playing feild is flat" hence the world is flat. There are 3 great eras of globalization: World 1.0 (a.d-1420), World 2.0 (1420-2000), and World 3.0 (2000-present). He mentioned that the 'flattener' eveoled from the creation of the PC (personal computer). The PC allowed individuals to evolve and offer their own content to the world (content being words, photos, videos, music, ect). The day that made this all possible was 8-9-95, when Netscape went public. Netscape is the first internet browser (like Google) and was sold for $28 and at the end of the day was worth $56 a share. After that IPO was created and changed the face of the 21st centry. IPO means initial public offering, which was the first public share of an Internet browser. The creators of IPO made one big mistake; making this public. Which brings us to the Fire Optic Explosion that made countries become neighbors by the world wide web (more flat).

Thomas L Fruedman said that, "The iron rule of business is 'Whatever can be done will be done, the only question left is will it be done by you or to you.'" My reaction: It makes sence because everything that can be done or created will be done sooner or later and its up to you to take the chance at an idea right when you get it and not let it slip away.This is a very good quote/saying and I completely agree with it. It just gives people more reason to go after what they want and go with their ideas.

I'm feeling pretty good about this project so far. It seems a little hard and confusing but I know I'll get there. I'm kind of excited to work with different people from around the world. But that also makes me think it will be a little confusing because it will be hard to comunicate with eachother. Hopefully I get everything done without confution and frustration.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

OneNote ?

So I've been using this microsoft app. called OneNote lately in class. At first I didn't even know how to use it, but I come to find out that it's pretty easy. It's basically like having your notebook you use for school, on the computer. You can make different tabs at the top of the page that you can lable whatever you want. I labled each of mine a different class so I didn't get them mixed up or anything. In each section of the tabs, you can have as many pages as you need. You can make templates, kind of like if you need to take notes for a cetain class, it's all set up for you.  Everything is saves automatically so there is way less stress than using microsoft word or keeping track of your unorganized notebook. I recomend people use this tool for keeping track of things. I will most likly use this all the time now bacause I;m getting pretty good at it. My teacher lets us use it all the time. So now, I'm just waiting for this dumb school to get better technology so we can finally catch up with the rest of the world !

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My 3 fav. Websites

Three of my favorite websites (well the ones I use most often) are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. And though we were told not to include Facebook and Twitter, I did anyways because I don't use anyother website besides Google, and that's technically not a website.  I personally don't 'search the web' like most people, I just use it for my entertainment (social networks, ect.). The only other reason I'd be on the internet, is because I have a project or assignment that requires intenet access.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Post, Just me

Hey! I guess I sould start by telling you why I'm even on this.  I'm in this class called Digital Communication Tools.  This is a class where you learn about the technology and the way the world is advancing with technology.  I find this class very interesting and fun to be in because I get to use everyday things that I, my self, use on a regular basis. Like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, and much more.  By saying that, I should tell you that I am a DIGI-TOOLS student. And for those of you who don't know what that is, you should look it up because it is a great to share information online with others.

So here's a little bit about me.  My name is Sedeazsha and I am a senior at Valley High School.  I am probably one of those kids you consider 'a baby' because of when my birthday is.  I'm seventeen years young and seventeen years smart and I'm not stopping here. Keep reading my blogs and you can read more about what I have to say.